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Industrial Data Management Systems

Minxware Inventory Control


Minxware Inventory Control module maintains data for the multilevelmanufacturing process with the associated level costs, relocation ofparts through the levels, and the parts movement from raw material tofinished product. Extensive reporting gives realtime profiles for anypart, highlighting current value, re-order recommendations, locationquantities or transactions, ABC coding, usage analysis information, andcycle counting information. Inventory Control is fully integrated withthe following modules: Purchasing, Bill of Material, Shop Floor Control,Material Requirements Planning, Master Scheduling, Order Management,Customer Service, and General Ledger.Within the Inventory Control module, there exists a Physical Inventoryset of functions which gives users tighter control over inventory; aidsin the administration process of the count; and enables the counting ofwork in process and the reporting of shortages, variances, andexceptions.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

600 W Cummings Park Suite 224
Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: (617) 932-0932
Fax: (617) 932-3878